Category Archives: Leg Day A Spectacular

Caliber’s 6-Day Bodybuilding & Powerlifting – Day 32 = Leg Day A – Plus, Why Your Workout Clothes Smell Like Amonia

LegDayASpectacularGreetings, all.

You ever notice that your work-out clothes smell bleachy, like amonia, or almost fish like? It’s pretty gnarly, no? It’s something I started having a problem with. I’d wash them, then the second I started to sweat in them, I’d smell like I worked out with the shark from JAWS or something. It was terrible. I did my research and found that a lot of other people had the same problem, with little to no results.

I don’t know if others brought it on themselves like I did. For a while there, I was only washing my workout clothes every 6 days or so. They never smelled bad, so I figured what the hell. But over time, I think it built up into the fibers. I thought for sure my clothes were done. However, with my research I realized that clothes can have a problem getting clean if certain bacterais or what have you build up in the washing machine. So, I bought this product, some sorta washing-machine cleaner. You run the machine without any clothes, and use the product to clean everything out. I do so, then did a normal wash with my gym clothes, and sure enough, the smell was gone, and hasn’t been seen since.

As for why it smells that way, I have no idea. I think it’s just a build up of bacteria and such that gets deep into the fibers. Either way, it’s fairly easy to deal with. The washing machine cleaner isn’t expensive, and it lasts for quite a while. I’ve had mine for a year, and have only used 2 of the 3 doses. So give it a shot, and it should solve your problems. Dig it.

Alrighty, let’s get it.

Continue reading Caliber’s 6-Day Bodybuilding & Powerlifting – Day 32 = Leg Day A – Plus, Why Your Workout Clothes Smell Like Amonia

Caliber’s 6-Day Bodybuilding & Powerlifting Spectacular – Day 26 – Leg Day A

LegDayASpectacularGreetings, all.

Some news for you, Geek’s Fitness now has it’s own instagram, so go ahead and check that bad boy out over @geeksfitness, where I promise it’ll be updated at least once a day. Got a ton of new videos and such coming your way, so do stay tuned.

Alrighty, let’s get it.

Continue reading Caliber’s 6-Day Bodybuilding & Powerlifting Spectacular – Day 26 – Leg Day A

Caliber’s 6 Day Powerbuilding Workout Routine Spectacular – Day 20 – Leg Day A – Plus, A Much Better Way To Lose Fat Than Cardio

NightmareonLegDayAGreetings, all.

We’ve all seen it. Tons and tons of people on the cardio decks, barely breaking a sweat, and thinking they’re melting the pounds away. For years and years we were told that cardio is the best way to shed the weight.


First off, your metabolism is ramped during cardio, and about 45 minutes after that. That’s it. However, with weight training, your metabolism can be ramped for as long as 3 days. Check out this article here, which talks about a ton of studies that show just how ineffective aerobic training is for fat loss. Now, as you guys may read in my workouts, I do cardio. However, I don’t do cardio for fat loss. I do it for heart health, and to build muscle in my legs, which is why I always do it at a massive incline. Lately, I’ve started doing HIIT at an incline, with sprints, to really ramp up my conditioning.

If you wanna lose fat, then get out on the floor with the weights and have at it. Don’t bother with machines and such. Those are great for when you’re further down the road, but when your goal is fat loss, stick to free-weights. Also, doing a few bicep curls isn’t going to melt the fat. In order to get that fat gone, as well as build muscle and ramp up that heart rate, you’re gonna have to get burly.

We’re talking compound lifts, for some hefty reps, for some hefty sets. Things like Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Bent Over Row, Over Head Presses, Pull-Ups, Leg Presses, and Dips. Use weight that has some heft, but weight that you can get 10-15 reps for each set with, perhaps a weight that’s 50% of your one rep max. If you don’t know your max, there’s a pretty accurate way to find it. .

Let’s say you did 135 for 10 reps on the Deadlift. You bust out the calculator, and type in the weight you used on the lift, 135 times the amount of reps, 10, then you times it by 0.0333, then you add the weight of the Deadlift again, and you get a pretty accurate idea of what your 1RM is. So, it’d go 135x10x.0333+135= 180.

That right there is your ticket. Workout 5 days a week, around an hour or so with the weights, then tack on some sweet incline walking 3 days a week, and you’re golden. No matter what, you’re gonna lose weight. Even if your diet isn’t in check Now, don’t get it twisted, nutrition is a huge aspect, very huge, but you don’t need to worry about having a doughnut, or some ice cream after busting your ass in the gym for 90 minutes.

On to today’s workout.

Alrighty, let’s get it.

Continue reading Caliber’s 6 Day Powerbuilding Workout Routine Spectacular – Day 20 – Leg Day A – Plus, A Much Better Way To Lose Fat Than Cardio