Tag Archives: leg press

The 30 Day Let’s Get It Extravaganza! Days 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Greetings, all.

I thought I’d save up a few days worth to give you guys something to read.

These are brutal workouts. They last from 90-120 minutes, and by the end, you’re toast. But it’s a good kind that ensures you’re gonna sleep well, and let’s you know you got some shit done, improving strength, endurance, and size. Good times, baby.

Continue reading The 30 Day Let’s Get It Extravaganza! Days 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Arnold’s Blueprint – Days 3 & 4


Greetings, gents.

Got a double dose for you, the beautiful people, today. Legs, Chest & Back.

Let’s get it…

Continue reading Arnold’s Blueprint – Days 3 & 4

I’m Back! A Barbell Didn’t Crush My Skull.


This is my Street Fighter II “you win” pose. You know, for the day they retroactively put me in the game.

As you can see, I’ve lost more weight. I’ve also put on a little size too with all the extra food I’ve been taking in. My numbers are creeping up on the strength lifts too, so everything is going along nicely, thumbs up, baby.

I apologize for being completely MIA. My computer is a super old, super piece of crap, and updating this site is a slow process, along with getting the photo and everything. Plus, I do the updates on my Instagram everyday too. However, I’m working on combining all of my websites into one, so there’s that going down, and I’m working on getting a new computer, so I can make these posts no problem.

Since I’ve been dogging it, I thought I’d give you guys the last 3 days of workouts to go over. So, let’s hop on the good foot, baby.

Continue reading I’m Back! A Barbell Didn’t Crush My Skull.

Caliber Has Fun With Powerbuilding – Day 8 – Legs


My apologies, buckshots. I know, I’ve been slacking. My computer is such a horrendous piece of shit that after my computer has been on for afew hours, it can take me literally 20 minutes just to update. So, I’ll go to update, tell myself I gotta restart, but then fall asleep because I’ve been up for about 14 hours.Which I know some cats like to play it tough like they only need 6 hours sleep, but they ain’t weightlifters, so they can blow me. You guys can always find my daily updates on my instagram @caliberwinfield in the event I don’t get to it here. You can find the most recent Chest, Back, and Shoulders workout.

I remember a few months ago I was cooking on my squats, and close to getting the 315 I’d been after for so long. I was using a stool to mark parallel, but when I saw it on film I realized I was 5-6 inches above where I wanted to be, and fucking crushed. After some debate, I said fuck it and started all over. I decided to go as deep as possible, which was real difficult and I had to restart back at 95lbs. Humbling shit. But, I’ve better developed my legs and ass because of it, plus I have more power as a result.

Alrighty, let’s get it.

Continue reading Caliber Has Fun With Powerbuilding – Day 8 – Legs

Bodybuilding.com’s Project Mass Day 12 – Plus, New PR Attempt

Greetings, all.

When I created my list of goals the other day, one that I forgot to add was to be able to Front Squat 135lbs. It wasn’t much, but it sure as hell seemed like it at the time.

When you start Front Squatting, it’s fucking hard. So, today I did 3 sets of 5 at 105lb, which was great because a week ago, 105lb for sets of 3 was rough. It looked like I’d only be able to go up like 5lbs a month. So, after the 3 sets that went rather smooth, I thought I had a good chance of hitting my 135lb goal for a clean single. I asked Josh, fellow Geek’s Fitness athlete, if I should go for it, and naturally he said yes. So, I threw the plates on and as always, immediately began getting very nervous. That’s the one thing I hate when I go for a PR, my nerves ramp up a lot.A few minutes passed and I got under the bar…

Continue reading Bodybuilding.com’s Project Mass Day 12 – Plus, New PR Attempt

Bodybuilding.com’s Project Mass – Day 5

Greetings, all.

Today’s the first day I’ve done Hypertrophy training for legs, and wanted to take it a little bit easy as to ease myself back into it, so my legs aren’t sore to the damn touch. Well, that mission failed, as I’m feeling the soreness creep in while I type this. Ah well. I’m gonna go hard on my legs for the next 3 months because they’ve always been a strong point, so I never went too hard on them because I didn’t need to. However, I really need to bring up the development and the thickness, and quit relying on the fact they’re just naturally big.

My pre-workout is 12oz of Gatorade and 20g of Whey Isolate. Then during the workout I sip on one drink with 24oz of Gatorade and a scoop of BCAA, with another drink containing 30g of Whey Isolate. All of this makes sure that your body is absolutely getting all the things it’s in demand for while working out.

Front Squat – 95×5, 5, 5

I know, 95lbs is not a lot of weight for the Front Squat, at all. But I’ve only been at it for 6 weeks. The lift is absolutely brutal, working the hell out of your core and quads.

Sissy Squat – body weight x 10, 10, 10, 10

Nuts to the Leg Extension, I find I get a better burn in my quads with these bad boys, and anytime you can switch a machine exercise for something free weight, that’s the ticket.

Hyper Extensions – while holding a 25lb plate x 10, 10, 10, 10

Love this exercise. Between this and Good Mornings, I always say go with these, because they’re safer. Beyond that, these are very important, because they build up your lower back like crazy, as well as your hams & glutes.

Leg Press – 360×12, 12, 12, 12

For these I went slow and through the biggest range of motion that I could. I could have gone a lot heavier, but doing so on the Leg Press can put a lot of undue pressure on your hips and lower back. So, instead of stacking on 10 plates, I just focus on the squeeze and the burn.

Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift – 40×10, 10, 10

I haven’t done any direct hamstring work in a while, and they respond so well that I have to ease into it, otherwise they’ll be sore for a week and screw up my other leg workouts. I prefer dumbbells because I feel like you get a better range of motion when you pull back at the top.

Sitting Calf Extension – 100×20 then 200×5 for 2 sets.

I haven’t trained calves directly in a while either, so again I don’t wanna go full bore, because there have been times when they were sore for a week and I would have to stretch for a few minutes before I could even get out of bed. In my opinion, this is the greatest way to build up your calves. You go light for real high reps, immediately followed by very heavy for low reps.

Incline Walking for 30 minutes. A great way to finish a leg workout and burn out your calves.

Post-Workout I have another 30g of Whey Isolate.

Caliber’s 6 Day Powerbuilding Workout Routine Spectacular – Day 20 – Leg Day A – Plus, A Much Better Way To Lose Fat Than Cardio

NightmareonLegDayAGreetings, all.

We’ve all seen it. Tons and tons of people on the cardio decks, barely breaking a sweat, and thinking they’re melting the pounds away. For years and years we were told that cardio is the best way to shed the weight.


First off, your metabolism is ramped during cardio, and about 45 minutes after that. That’s it. However, with weight training, your metabolism can be ramped for as long as 3 days. Check out this article here, which talks about a ton of studies that show just how ineffective aerobic training is for fat loss. Now, as you guys may read in my workouts, I do cardio. However, I don’t do cardio for fat loss. I do it for heart health, and to build muscle in my legs, which is why I always do it at a massive incline. Lately, I’ve started doing HIIT at an incline, with sprints, to really ramp up my conditioning.

If you wanna lose fat, then get out on the floor with the weights and have at it. Don’t bother with machines and such. Those are great for when you’re further down the road, but when your goal is fat loss, stick to free-weights. Also, doing a few bicep curls isn’t going to melt the fat. In order to get that fat gone, as well as build muscle and ramp up that heart rate, you’re gonna have to get burly.

We’re talking compound lifts, for some hefty reps, for some hefty sets. Things like Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Bent Over Row, Over Head Presses, Pull-Ups, Leg Presses, and Dips. Use weight that has some heft, but weight that you can get 10-15 reps for each set with, perhaps a weight that’s 50% of your one rep max. If you don’t know your max, there’s a pretty accurate way to find it. .

Let’s say you did 135 for 10 reps on the Deadlift. You bust out the calculator, and type in the weight you used on the lift, 135 times the amount of reps, 10, then you times it by 0.0333, then you add the weight of the Deadlift again, and you get a pretty accurate idea of what your 1RM is. So, it’d go 135x10x.0333+135= 180.

That right there is your ticket. Workout 5 days a week, around an hour or so with the weights, then tack on some sweet incline walking 3 days a week, and you’re golden. No matter what, you’re gonna lose weight. Even if your diet isn’t in check Now, don’t get it twisted, nutrition is a huge aspect, very huge, but you don’t need to worry about having a doughnut, or some ice cream after busting your ass in the gym for 90 minutes.

On to today’s workout.

Alrighty, let’s get it.

Continue reading Caliber’s 6 Day Powerbuilding Workout Routine Spectacular – Day 20 – Leg Day A – Plus, A Much Better Way To Lose Fat Than Cardio

Caliber’s 6-Day A Week Powerbuilding Routine – Day 14 – Leg Day A – Dear Fat People

NightmareonLegDayAGreetings, all.

As I’m sure everybody knows by now, a girl made a video where she told fat people they should get in shape, so they can live happier, healthier lives and be around longer. People of course got in a huge uproar over this, and she became Public Enemy #1. I have a video response coming soon on the Geek Fitness youtube channel, but I wanted to touch on the subject a little bit here.

First of all, shaming people into things just doesn’t work. Second, if you’re fat, happy with it, and couldn’t care less about being in shape, rock on. So long as you aren’t bothering anyone with what you do, I couldn’t careless about whatever it is you do. Nor should anyone with half a brain. Now, if you do want to lose weight, and don’t like being fat, then do something about it. Don’t make excuses. Don’t pull that “genetics” crap. Don’t try some quick fix bullshit and when it doesn’t work, say you’ve tried everything and nothing works. I’m gonna start a video series that’ll be episodic, and all about helping people start their fat loss, and becoming a beast. Also, I’d like to add, quit being outraged over bullshit. It’s pointless. Quit trying to find things to be upset over. If it doesn’t affect you, your family, your happiness, or your money, then forget it. Life is too short for you to devote a ton of time to freaking out over some girl making a youtube video.

Alrighty, let’s get it.

Continue reading Caliber’s 6-Day A Week Powerbuilding Routine – Day 14 – Leg Day A – Dear Fat People