Caliber’s Powerbuilding Spectacular – Day 2 – Leg Day A

NightmareonLegDayAGreetings, all.

First off, I just wanted to say how truly bummed I am to hear that Wes Craven has passed away. I’m a huge fan of horror, and that naturally means I’m a fan of The Nightmare on Elm Street series, with my favorites, no coincidence, being the ones that Wes was involved with; parts 1, 3, and 7. Beyond NOES, he also had a hand in creating what I feel is the greatest horror film of all time, scream. An absolutely brilliant film that completely changed the genre. A complete masterpiece that I feel will never be topped. He left quite a legacy, and lived quite a life. Thanks for the nightmares, Wes.

Alright, on some brighter news, yesterday I unveiled that I’ve started a new workout plan. one that I so humbly call Caliber’s Powerbuilding Spectacular. I realized that I have some major goals in the strength game that aren’t being met, because I haven’t created a full-out plan, and jump from program to program every 3 months. Of course, i always want to get bigger, and need to stay the course with a program that’s going to ensure that as well.

Well, as before, I went back to my precious powerbuilding. I did some research, and read all about the 5-3-1 program, and found that it gave great results for a lot of people when it came to getting stronger. However, it was a 4 day program, with not much work, and i couldn’t have that. So, I took the principals of the getting stronger aspect, and apply that to the heavy compound moves I do at the beginning of each workout.

You take the 1 rep max of a lift, like my bench is 315, then you come up with 90% of that, which is 285 [rounded up], then for the first week you figure out 65, 75, and 85% of that, and do 3 sets, for 5 lifts, at those weights. On the final set, you do as many reps as you can. With the minimum being 5. The second week is 70, 80, and 95%, for 3 sets of 3, final set for as many as you can. The 3rd week the lifts go 5, 3, 1. At 75, 85, 96%. The 4th week is suppose to be a deload, but no way. I sit and write for 10 hours a day, I really don’t need a deload.

After the 5/3/1 lift, I do 2-3 compound lifts, for 5 sets of 10, at around 50% of my max for the first month, next month is 605, and then 3rd month is 70%. I then follow those up with some accessory work, like curls, triceps, delts, abs, stuff like that. Calves. What have you. Then I do a finishing set of FST-7. 7 sets, 10-12 rep range, rest period of about 10-15 seconds, regarding a weak point or whatever.

I’m gonna stay with this for about 6 months, and I’ve done tape measurements of everything, as well as wrote down all my maxes, to compare at the end. For sure I want that 315 squat, a set of 5 at 275 on the bench, a set of 5 on the pull-ups, and a 200lb OHP. I’d like to get 15 inch forearms, and a 52 inch chest. So, we’ll see.

Alrighty, let’s get it.

Continue reading Caliber’s Powerbuilding Spectacular – Day 2 – Leg Day A

Caliber’s 6-Day-A-Week Powerbuilding Routine; Push, Pull, Legs Spectacular – Day 1 – Pull Day

ArnoldPulldayAGreetings, all.

As you can see, I’ve started a new workout, but I’m updating late and want to get to bed, so I’ll fill you guys in on it tomorrow. Until then, check out this week’s Man Movie Encyclopedia, as we head into the high seas with Seagal for Under Siege.

Alrighty, let’s get it.

Continue reading Caliber’s 6-Day-A-Week Powerbuilding Routine; Push, Pull, Legs Spectacular – Day 1 – Pull Day’s Project Mass – Day 44 – Round 2 – Hypertrophy Based Leg Day

HulkHyperLegDayGreetings, all.

As I said yesterday, today is officially the launch of Geek’s Fitness. There’s so much more coming down the pike. We’re talking a weekly schedule of videos, multiple updates a day from both myself and Mike, as well as merch to wear at the gym. If there’s anything you guys would like to see, or have questions for the mailbag, whatever, just hit me up at or @CaliberWinfield. When Mike does his first update he’ll let you cats where to hit him up at.

Alrighty, let’s get it.

Continue reading’s Project Mass – Day 44 – Round 2 – Hypertrophy Based Leg Day’s Project Mass – Round 2 – Day 43 – Hypertrophy Based Pull Day

hypertrophypulldayGreetings, all.

Holy crap, your boy is tired. Besides the gym, I spent the day podcasting and working on the new site. Now, I was gonna start the new site from scratch, but I figure why turn my back on the fanbase built here, and have you guys go over to a new site. So, instead, tomorrow Fat Buff is going to get a big over-haul and become Geek’s Fit. I’m working with two very talented and close friends on this. One of which, named Matt, is gonna be helping with all the videos we do, going far and above whatever I tried to accomplish. The other is named Mike, and he’s going to be writing along with me. Talking about his workouts, creating workouts, and helping with the humor portion of the site as well.

So, tomorrow will be the launch, and everything is going to build from there. Now today is gonna be a short update, because I’m tired, and let’s be honest, a bit lazy.

Alrighty, let’s get it.

Continue reading’s Project Mass – Round 2 – Day 43 – Hypertrophy Based Pull Day’s Project Mass – Round 2 – Day 42 – Hypertrophy Based Push Day

hypertrophypushdayGreetings, all.

Within the next day or two, Geek’s Fitness is going to go live. Fat Buff INC will still be live, but I’ll no longer update here. However, there will be a post telling you guys where to go from now on. I’ll still be updating at least 6 days a week, but beyond my workouts there is going to be SO much more. Dig it.

Alrighty, let’s get it.

Continue reading’s Project Mass – Round 2 – Day 42 – Hypertrophy Based Push Day’s Project Mass – Round 2 – Day 41 – Strength Based Leg Day

StrengthLegDayGreetings, all.

How are you funky cats doing today?

Fat Buff is going to go under a few changes here in the coming weeks. Bigger. Better. Worry not, I’m still gonna be repping for all the Fat Buff cats out there, but things are going to be more expansive. With multiple writers, videos, even merchandise. Even a different name. So, look for that. I really want to turn this into a big deal, and I can’t do that with you guys. I really appreciate all those who have been following the website for months now, especially if you tell others. I’m going to do right by you cats, and promise that whatever time or energy you put into this place won’t be in vein, because things are going to get a hell of a lot better. Dig it.

My back, like I’m talking all over, lower, traps, and especially rear delts are sore. That high-intensity session of T-Bar Rows I did yesterday really did the trick. It goes to show that once in a while it’s OK to break form, and over-load the body. Of course, don’t be stupid and start doing sloppy Deadlifts, or Squats. But pick a safe exercise you can do a bit sloppy, and go to town.

Alrighty, let’s get it.

Continue reading’s Project Mass – Round 2 – Day 41 – Strength Based Leg Day’s Project Mass – Round 2 – Day 40 – Strength Based Pull Day

strengthpulldayGreetings, all.

New action, buckshots. It’s Sunday, which means it’s time for a brand new Man Movie Encyclopedia article. This week we take a look at the glorious classic known as Hard Target. John Claude Van Damme teams up with John Woo to head into the bayou and battle a bunch of no-goodknicks who like to hunt homeless folk. Hot damn!

Get it here.

Alrighty, let’s get it.

Continue reading’s Project Mass – Round 2 – Day 40 – Strength Based Pull Day