Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 16

Greetings, all.

Running a bit late today, so we’ll just rock the workout today, but tomorrow I’ve got the debut of a new article series, where myself and a good friend of mine, Elle, who’s been a Registered Nurse for over 10 years answer your questions.

Squats – 135, 155, 185, 205, 135 x5
I earned the hell out of that 205 set. Last week I did 200×2, and thought I might be ready for 205. Each rep was a hell of a struggle, and I honestly thought I might not get the last one. I can tell you right now I already feel the soreness creeping into my wheels. The final 135 set was done immediately after the 205.

Hack Squats – 180×5, 5, 5,7, 90×10
Love me some Hacks. My legs were already smoked after those squats, so they took a beating with these Hacks and were actually shaking afterwards. The 90lbs set was immediately done after the final 180lb set.

Hyper Extensions – 45×5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Hypers are essential, buckshots, make sure you’re keeping up with’em.

Stiff Leg Deadlift w/ Dumbbells – 30×15, 35×10, 10
When it comes to do these bodybuilding style I prefer dumbbells because you get a better range of motion.

Sissy Squat – 15, 15, 15
Forget that crappy Leg Extension machine, baby. Hop aboard the Sissy Squat action. The name is actually a reference to a character from Greek mythology, and not because you’re a damn wiener child if you do these.

Alright, tune in tomorrow, buckshots, we’ll have the new article series and some Push Day good times.

The Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 11 & 12


Greetings, all. Apologies for missing yesterday, I got wrapped up in a few projects, and it slipped my mind. Although if you’re following me on instagram, @caliberwinfield, you would have had the short-hand version of yesterday’s workout.

Yesterday was the beginning of 5×5 week, and when that happens the bodybuilding exercises get taken from 5×10, to 3×10, because that 5×5 for 3 exercises that are heavy compound is rather exhausting.

Coming in the next few days is a debut advice article. I teamed up with a good friend of a mine, a woman who’s been a Registered Nurse for over a decade. We take questions about literally any and everything. Fitness, sex, drugs, relationships, medical stuff, whatever you got, we’ll try and answer. So, if you want to get in on the next episode, send me your question to Until then, let’s get into the workouts.

Yesterday was Push Day A:
Flat Bench – 225×5, 230×5, 245×5, 225×5, 215×5
I was stoked to get that 245, it means I’m almost back to where I was. Afterwards, I was  zapped, and that 225 and 215 felt like a thousand pounds.

Over Head Press – 125×5, 135×5, 5, 5, 5
Again, just about back to where I was here. Gonna try for a 185 single next week to see I can at least hit my old PR.

Dips – bodyweight of 250×5, with a 25lb plate attached x 5, 5, 5, 5

Incline Cable Flies – 15×10, 10, 10
Shoulder Lateral Raise – 15×10, 10, 10
Triceps Pressdown – 45×15, 15, 15

I was short on time, and the cure for that, as always, is a superset. I also only rested 30 seconds between each superset.

Today was Pull Day B:

Trap Bar Deadlift – 275×4, 295×4, 315×5, 1, 1, 1
Love the Trap Bar Deadlift, as it allows me to feel it really deep in my lats. I also discovered something I really like, and that’s choosing a weight I can do for a set of 5, and then doing a single, resting about 60-90 seconds, hitting another rep, and so forth for 3 sets.

Dumbbell Row – 100×5, 5, 80×5, 90×5, 100×5
For these I pull each rep off the floor, so I get a deep stretch in the lats.

Asst Pull-Up – 48×5, 5, 5, bodyweight pull-up x 2, 48×5
The 5th set came right after my bodyweight pull up set.

Barbell Shrugs – 225×10, 10, 10

Hammer Curls – 45×5, 5, 5

Cable Flex Curls – 45×10, 30×10, 10
Best peak builders. I use to do two arms at a time, now I just do one. I grab hold to the other side of the cable set up, and work the other arm, then immediately work the other when that one is done, and keep going back and forth that way.

Cable Rear Delt Flies – 7.5×10, 10, 10, 10, 10
For these I suggest a weight that you can do for a set of 10, with only 15 seconds rest, and keep your arms absolutely stretch to help target the Rear Delts and a massive pump.

The Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 10 –

Greetings, all.

I don’t want to say that following your boy on instagram @caliberwinfield will change your life and bring you great fortune, but, it will.

For today’s workout we’ve got some rocking Pull Day B action. I love working the back, and it’s what I respect the most about a guy who works out, because so many just pay attention to the mirror muscles.

Continue reading The Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 10 –

Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 9 – Plus, It’s OK To Not Make Fitness Your Life

Greetings, all.

Lately I’ve had a few new female followers. First and foremost, I’m flattered, thank you. Every time I get a new follower and they have a page, I read a bit of what they’re doing. Something I’ve noticed with a few of my new female followers is they enjoy eating a bit of their junk food, but absolutely beat the hell out of themselves for it. Believing that there’s something wrong about them for doing so. Bullshit.

Part of the reason I started Geek’s Fitness was because I wanted to show a lifestyle where fitness was a major part, where the person was still healthy, looked good, and was strong, but wasn’t ripped to the bone, constantly posting pictures of chicken & rice. When we see celebs in magazines touting their new diet & training program for whatever movie, you’re seeing them at their best. When you see a bodybuilder in a magazine, you’re seeing them at their best. When you see a fitness person on instagram, trust me, they posed 1000 times to get whatever photo you’re looking at just right. All of these people more often than not don’t walk around 24/7 looking like that, because more often than not, it’s not humanly possible.

Another reason behind Geek’s Fitness is I wanted to teach people that there are bodytypes with certain genetic destinies, and if you’re one type, you can’t maintain the look of another, and be comfortable.


When I was 19 I was officially fat. So, I did what I could to lose it. Once I hit 190lb, I saw Ryan Reynolds in Blade: Trinity and decided I wanted abs like his. So, I started doing different diets, different this, different that, and after all was said and done, I got down to 172lb. That was it. Not to mention no one could tell I was working out, because I’d just become skinny-fat. It wasn’t until about 10 years later I started doing research and found out about bodytypes. Ectomorphs are the types who are very skinny & lanky, Endomorphs are like powerlifters/strongmen, in that they can put on muscle but fat will come with it, and it’s rare you’ll see them at 5% bodyfat. Finally, Mesomorphs are your classic bodybuilders. Small joints, broad shoulders, thin waists. Well, I’m definietly an Endomorph. I’m naturally a bigger guy, with my share of fat. I don’t try and shred down to 5% bodyfat, because I know that’s not what my body wants. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to keep it in check as best I can, as well as take advantage of putting on a ton of muscle.

And that’s what you ladies should do. Do some research, find out what your type is, and work with the advantages you have. Now, as far as eating junk food. Look, we all do it. Hell, I do it EVERYDAY. But I also workout for 90 minutes 6 days a week with incline walking cardio for 20-30 minutes 4-5 times a week as well. But what I’m saying is, so long as you exercise, you can have some bullshit food and be just fine, just don’t make a lifestyle out of it. Think about it this way, let’s say you ate like crap all the time, well, if you had a salad once a day, or hell, 80% of your daily diet was salad with the rest junk-food, would you lose weight? No. So when those factors are reversed, you won’t gain it, either.

When it comes to being fit, don’t let shows like The Biggest Loser lie to you. Cardio is crap for getting in shape. Weight training is where it’s at, and there’s nothing more bad-ass than seeing a girl in the gym who hits the weights. Building muscle is the absolute best way to burn fat, and keep it at bay, because that muscle just gobbles fat and calories right up. Cardio afterward is fine for heart health, but forget that running non-sense. Walk on an incline, without holding the bars next to you, and you’ll do a hell of a lot more in terms of burning fat/keeping it off. Plus, it’s much more pleasant.

Ladies, if you don’t want to make the gym your home 24/7, then don’t. And most importantly, don’t feel bad if that’s not you. I know you see these memes talking about going to war at the gym, and how we all think we’re awesome because we devote our selves to it, and blahblahblah, but that’s us, the gym rats. We understand it’s not for everyone else. And I tell you what, we certainly respect the hell out of anyone who at least tries. Even if you only come 2-3 times a week, we’re happy to see you there. Getting the blood moving. But you have to do it for yourself. You have to want it. And if you don’t, that’s fine. Maybe there will come a time when you do. Until then, don’t beat yourself up, and don’t feel bad because it isn’t your thing. I can tell you this though, the key to making it your thing is to go for a month. Just one month. But for that month, go with a fire in your belly. Get a kick ass plan, get your food in check, and bust your ass for that month. Because within those 30 days you’re going to see changes. Results. Both mentally & physically, and others will see it too, and they’ll mention it. You’ll start to become an inspiration to others. And once all this starts to happen, you’ll probably never want to turn back. But even if you, it’s cool, the gym and all the people who want to see you there will be waiting when you, if you, decide to return.

When I was 19 I was officially fat. So, I did what I could to lose it. Once I hit 190lb, I saw Ryan Reynolds in Blade: Trinity and decided I wanted abs like his. So, I started doing different diets, different this, different that, and after all was said and done, I got down to 172lb. That was it. Not to mention no one could tell I was working out, because I’d just become skinny-fat. It wasn’t until about 10 years later I started doing research and found out about bodytypes. Ectomorphs are the types who are very skinny & lanky, Endomorphs are like powerlifters/strongmen, in that they can put on muscle but fat will come with it, and it’s rare you’ll see them at 5% bodyfat. Finally, Mesomorphs are your classic bodybuilders. Small joints, broad shoulders, thin waists. Well, I’m definietly an Endomorph. I’m naturally a bigger guy, with my share of fat. I don’t try and shred down to 5% bodyfat, because I know that’s not what my body wants. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to keep it in check as best I can, as well as take advantage of putting on a ton of muscle.

And that’s what you ladies should do. Do some research, find out what your type is, and work with the advantages you have. Now, as far as eating junk food. Look, we all do it. Hell, I do it EVERYDAY. But I also workout for 90 minutes 6 days a week with incline walking cardio for 20-30 minutes 4-5 times a week as well. But what I’m saying is, so long as you exercise, you can have some bullshit food and be just fine, just don’t make a lifestyle out of it. Think about it this way, let’s say you ate like crap all the time, well, if you had a salad once a day, or hell, 80% of your daily diet was salad with the rest junk-food, would you lose weight? No. So when those factors are reversed, you won’t gain it, either.

When it comes to being fit, don’t let shows like The Biggest Loser lie to you. Cardio is crap for getting in shape. Weight training is where it’s at, and there’s nothing more bad-ass than seeing a girl in the gym who hits the weights. Building muscle is the absolute best way to burn fat, and keep it at bay, because that muscle just gobbles fat and calories right up. Cardio afterward is fine for heart health, but forget that running non-sense. Walk on an incline, without holding the bars next to you, and you’ll do a hell of a lot more in terms of burning fat/keeping it off. Plus, it’s much more pleasant.

Ladies, if you don’t want to make the gym your home 24/7, then don’t. And most importantly, don’t feel bad if that’s not you. I know you see these memes talking about going to war at the gym, and how we all think we’re awesome because we devote our selves to it, and blahblahblah, but that’s us, the gym rats. We understand it’s not for everyone else. And I tell you what, we certainly respect the hell out of anyone who at least tries. Even if you only come 2-3 times a week, we’re happy to see you there. Getting the blood moving. But you have to do it for yourself. You have to want it. And if you don’t, that’s fine. Maybe there will come a time when you do. Until then, don’t beat yourself up, and don’t feel bad because it isn’t your thing. I can tell you this though, the key to making it your thing is to go for a month. Just one month. But for that month, go with a fire in your belly. Get a kick ass plan, get your food in check, and bust your ass for that month. Because within those 30 days you’re going to see changes. Results. Both mentally & physically, and others will see it too, and they’ll mention it. You’ll start to become an inspiration to others. And once all this starts to happen, you’ll probably never want to turn back. But even if you, it’s cool, the gym and all the people who want to see you there will be waiting when you, if you, decide to return.

Alrighty, workout recap, let’s get it.

Continue reading Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 9 – Plus, It’s OK To Not Make Fitness Your Life

The Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 8

Greetings, all.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Rich Piana, he’s a pretty well known bodybuilder on youtube. Very cool guy. He has his own nutrition/supplement line called 5% Nutrition, and I’m trying to get a sponsorship from them. I fill all the requirements, except one: 2000 Instagram followers. So, if you cats could do your boy a favor and follow me, I’d appreciate it. I post at least once a day, so you’ll always be able to find photos of me trying to make it appear like I have some kinda definition.

Let’s get to that Leg Workout, baby…

Continue reading The Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 8

Caliber’s Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 7


Greetings, all.

I know the women who read Geeks Fitness are the type at the gym who drive dudes crazy because they squat, bench, and dead, not by dressing like a stripper with 30lbs of make-up.

As always, you can improve your life by following your boy Caliber on the ol’ instagram. I make sure to post at least once a day, if not more.  Let’s hop on the good foot, talk about today’s Pull Day.

Continue reading Caliber’s Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 7

Caliber’s Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 6 – Plus, A Shoulder Exercise Called The Muscle Snatch That’ll Have People Thinking You’re Colussus Without The Steel

Greetings, all.

Shoulders are one of the things I love working the most, and one of my better developed body parts. One of those reasons is that I press like crazy, and also find variations of the classic. One of those is a brutal little deal called the Muscle Snatch.

Alright, you know the Power Clean, right? Well, this is sort of like that, except instead of catching the bar at the top, you shot the bar all the way up into a press. So, you deadlift the bar, launch the bar like a Power Clean but right as it gets to your collar bone you whip your hands underneath and press all in one fluid motion. Some guys may use a wide grip, but just use the grip you use when you do Over-Head Presses. Now, in conjunction with that you walk 30 feet with the weight over head. It may sound easy, but if you use a challenging weight, it works your cardio like crazy, as well as burns the hell outta your shoulders, it’s awesome, plus it works your core. Now, walking 30ft, that counts as a rep. So, mix it up, do 4 normal reps, and then 4 walking reps. Do a standard rep, then a walking rep, and so forth.

As for today’s workout, let’s get it.

Continue reading Caliber’s Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 6 – Plus, A Shoulder Exercise Called The Muscle Snatch That’ll Have People Thinking You’re Colussus Without The Steel

Caliber’s Super Solider Serum Workout – Day 5

Greetings, all.

Today was some Legs action. I really need to up my Leg game, because for quite a while I was coasting on the fact they’re naturally pretty big. Plus, for the first 3 years of me working out, I never did a single Squat, just Leg Extensions and Hamstring Curls. Now I want them wider, and more dense, so I’m going to have to dig in as hard as I do with everything else. My car blew up last week, so I’ve been borrowing someone elses, and that’s put a time crunch on me, forcing me to get up a half n hour earlier than usual. I admit, I’ve been a bitch as far as getting out of bed, and it’s been forcing me to cut out not only cardio but some exercises. If it stays this way for the next week, no more hogwash, I’m up and at’em, Radioactive Man style. Alright, let’s get it.

Continue reading Caliber’s Super Solider Serum Workout – Day 5

Caliber’s Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 4 – Plus, New Update Photo


Greetings, all.

I took an update picture this morning, and then found one from 3 years ago. I’m a big fan of taking pictures often when you’re weight lifting, because being able to look back and see the difference is awesome and really motivating. Even if you are the most pale person of all time, and also has terribly lop-sided lats that make him self-conscious.

Another story the top photo tells is that when it comes to weight-lifting, that your biggest tool for advancing and making sure awesome Captain America gains is education and trying things out. Always read. But read trusted places that don’t have agendas like selling supplements and such. Don’t be afraid to try things out. I started working out in 2010, and I serious, as well. However, all I had was an apartment gym, because I thought that’s all I needed. I wasn’t doing squats, deadlifts, or using ANY free weights whatsoever, because I thought it didn’t matter. I wasn’t doing my research and learning. And because of all that, after 3 years, I looked like I did up there. Over-training is a phrase that’s thrown around way too much. People say you work out longer than an hour and you’re not gonna gain, or if you work out more than 4 days a week you’re over-training. Well, that’s all crap. At least for me it is. I always dug the guys from the 70s and 80s. They looked awesome, and were also strong as hell. Finally, after years of things just not going how I wanted, I started doing research and reading a ton. I learned I never built a proper foundation, and that having a program based on machines is crap. I thought ‘if I want to be like those guys, I should train like those guys’, and boom, it was like opening the Ark of the Covenant, but, you know, good stuff coming out.

If you do the Instagram deal, I’m over at @CaliberWinfield, and always post my daily workouts early in the morning before I post here. Plus, you know, the picture thing.

As for today’s workout, it went a little something like this…

Continue reading Caliber’s Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 4 – Plus, New Update Photo

Caliber’s Super Solider Serum Workout – Plus, Geek’s Fitness’ Ne

Greetings, all.

Before we get down to the business of getting down, just wanted to let you guys know about a new article series coming. Basically, it’s going to be a text version of the show Loveline. Myself, along with a female friend of mine who’s been a Registered Nurse for 15 years are going to answer any and all questions about life, fitness, relationships, sex, drugs, or anything else you guys may have questions about or want advice concerning. Let me know at

Alright, let’s hit the gym…

Continue reading Caliber’s Super Solider Serum Workout – Plus, Geek’s Fitness’ Ne