Category Archives: Caliber’s Super Soldier Serum Program – Push Day B

The Super Soldier Workout – Day 51


Today’s episode of Swole House is brought to you in part by getting 50,000 points on Double Dragon.
If your chest is lacking, Flies and Dumbbell Bench are always the answer. I use to just have a thick chest, but recently I really started focusing on the top portion, and it’s paid off, as I’ve really got some Shelf Chest going on. Ooh wee, look at them titty gains!

Alrighty, let’s have a looksee at today’s Push Day B.

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The Super Soldier Serum Day 45


This episode of Shirtless & Plotting Something With Sinister Intent While Looking Sexy And Fat Buff As The Gods Intended is brought to you by Instant Oatmeal – Apple & Cinnamon Flavor (4 packets per meal, baby). The other day while dog walking I caught my reflection in a window and took it in for a minute. Reason being, I realized I’ve truly achieved the body/look that I’ve been after for so long. It was a great goddamn feeling, and one I hope everyone gets to someday, or is already there. Even if you aren’t working out, just to be able to look at yourself and be totally happy without how you look is awesome.

But don’t think for a second your pal Cal is on cruise control, just because Mario ate a mushroom doesn’t mean he stopped looking for the goods. I’m trying to get that metaphorical Tanooki Suit, baby!

Alright, lets talk some Push Day B action.

Continue reading The Super Soldier Serum Day 45

The Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 39

Greetings, all.

Today I was a bit crunched for time, so instead of doing 5×5 on the first two compound exercises, I went for 4 sets of 6. 6 is a good number, right in that sweet spot of strength & hypertrophy. Plus I wanted to see if I could nab 4 constant sets of 6, and see if my strength has really increased.

I took this update pic the other day. I haven’t measured, but I’d say my legs are still 30 inches each, but with a little less fat than last time. Check yesterday’s update to see what I’ve been doing for my legs.

Alright, let’s get into the Push Day B action from earlier today.

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The Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 34

Greetings, all.

I’m loving this program, but I’m giving some thought to perhaps doing a 6 day, upper/lower split. It’d be three days upper body, and 3 days lower. Major compound lifts, smaller accessory stuff. I think it’d really help me to build up the major lifts.

Now, you guys are making the truly wise choice of following me on Instagram, right? Right?

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Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 29

Greetings, all.

Yesterday we talked about the upcoming Captain America film, Civil War. Today let’s chit-chat about the other side of that coin, Batman vs Superman.

When I first heard about this movie many years ago, I wasn’t too sure. I thought it was DC trying to make up for the completely terrible and unnecessary film, Man of Steel. You know, where they tried to make a Batman film with Superman in it.

As the trailers kicked in, Batman vs Superman really started taking shape and looking awesome. Affleck looks awesome, and the fight scenes look incredible. I love the shot of Batman running into the giant wall of debris dust while everyone else runs away. I think his suit looks awesome, and I’m very interested to see other pivotal Batman characters in this world.

One thing I don’t like is that they’ve crammed too much into this movie. I mean, in one trailer we have Batman, Superman, Luthor, Wonder Woman, and Doomsday. C’mon, the movie is called “Batman vs Superman”. I’m sold. That’s what I want to see. The movie isn’t called Batman vs Superman vs Luthor vs Doomsday And Here’s Wonder Woman. Hopefully they do right by this, because it’s a big deal.

Alright, let’s get into the workout, shall we?

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The Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 23

Greetings, all.

You know, I recently joined the world of Instagram, and one thing I’ve learned is that any girl or guy with a half decent body is touting themselves as a fitness expert with an ebook, programs, and an endorsement from a supp company no one has ever heard of. It’s pathetic. What makes it even worse is the fact they’re simply out to take advantage of all the gullible people out there who don’t know anything about fitness. And honestly, I don’t blame people looking to hire a ‘guru’ of sorts, because trying to learn about this world can be frustrating.

Hell, google “proper bench press form” and you get a million answers. 30 years ago fat was the enemy, all fat. Then we learned that fat is awesome, and you only need to avoid transfat. 16 years ago we started hearing that carbs were the enemy, and everyone quit eating them. Then we learned that, wait, no, they’re very crucial. Then when it comes to training, there’s a billion different forms out there. There’s so much information and misinformation that to a beginner can be discouraging, hence why they want to hire someone to inform them. And that’s where these jackass con-artists come in. These people who’ve hit the weights for about a year, never actually had to diet to lose fat, are on steroids [I have no problem with steroids at all, so long as you aren’t lying and saying you’re natural in order to make money], they’re photoshopping their pictures, and the girls are getting ass implants and then selling e-books on how to “build your booty” [for the record, there’s only ONE woman I’d trust with that, and it’s Nicole Austin].

Beyond all those fakes and scammers, I see the personal trainers at commercial gyms, and they’re just as disgraceful. For one, none of them look like they’ve ever put on an ounce of muscle, most are naturally skinny and have never actually had to try and lose fat, and most insulting, they hundreds of dollars for one 45 minute session, it’s disgusting. I do some personal training as well as online coaching, and I could never, EVER even dream of charging that much to someone who just needs help. It’s deplorable.

Alright, enough of me ranting, let’s become Super Soldiers, baby.

Continue reading The Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 23

The Super Soldier Serum Workout – Da7 17

Greetings, all.

I’m not sure what’s going on with WordPress, but it’s being unruly. I had a progress photo to upload, along with the new advice article, but wordpress is giving me all sorts of shit. So, I’m going to attempt to just update with the workout, and then try again tomorrow.

Today was Push Day B, and it went a little something like this….

Continue reading The Super Soldier Serum Workout – Da7 17

Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 9 – Plus, It’s OK To Not Make Fitness Your Life

Greetings, all.

Lately I’ve had a few new female followers. First and foremost, I’m flattered, thank you. Every time I get a new follower and they have a page, I read a bit of what they’re doing. Something I’ve noticed with a few of my new female followers is they enjoy eating a bit of their junk food, but absolutely beat the hell out of themselves for it. Believing that there’s something wrong about them for doing so. Bullshit.

Part of the reason I started Geek’s Fitness was because I wanted to show a lifestyle where fitness was a major part, where the person was still healthy, looked good, and was strong, but wasn’t ripped to the bone, constantly posting pictures of chicken & rice. When we see celebs in magazines touting their new diet & training program for whatever movie, you’re seeing them at their best. When you see a bodybuilder in a magazine, you’re seeing them at their best. When you see a fitness person on instagram, trust me, they posed 1000 times to get whatever photo you’re looking at just right. All of these people more often than not don’t walk around 24/7 looking like that, because more often than not, it’s not humanly possible.

Another reason behind Geek’s Fitness is I wanted to teach people that there are bodytypes with certain genetic destinies, and if you’re one type, you can’t maintain the look of another, and be comfortable.


When I was 19 I was officially fat. So, I did what I could to lose it. Once I hit 190lb, I saw Ryan Reynolds in Blade: Trinity and decided I wanted abs like his. So, I started doing different diets, different this, different that, and after all was said and done, I got down to 172lb. That was it. Not to mention no one could tell I was working out, because I’d just become skinny-fat. It wasn’t until about 10 years later I started doing research and found out about bodytypes. Ectomorphs are the types who are very skinny & lanky, Endomorphs are like powerlifters/strongmen, in that they can put on muscle but fat will come with it, and it’s rare you’ll see them at 5% bodyfat. Finally, Mesomorphs are your classic bodybuilders. Small joints, broad shoulders, thin waists. Well, I’m definietly an Endomorph. I’m naturally a bigger guy, with my share of fat. I don’t try and shred down to 5% bodyfat, because I know that’s not what my body wants. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to keep it in check as best I can, as well as take advantage of putting on a ton of muscle.

And that’s what you ladies should do. Do some research, find out what your type is, and work with the advantages you have. Now, as far as eating junk food. Look, we all do it. Hell, I do it EVERYDAY. But I also workout for 90 minutes 6 days a week with incline walking cardio for 20-30 minutes 4-5 times a week as well. But what I’m saying is, so long as you exercise, you can have some bullshit food and be just fine, just don’t make a lifestyle out of it. Think about it this way, let’s say you ate like crap all the time, well, if you had a salad once a day, or hell, 80% of your daily diet was salad with the rest junk-food, would you lose weight? No. So when those factors are reversed, you won’t gain it, either.

When it comes to being fit, don’t let shows like The Biggest Loser lie to you. Cardio is crap for getting in shape. Weight training is where it’s at, and there’s nothing more bad-ass than seeing a girl in the gym who hits the weights. Building muscle is the absolute best way to burn fat, and keep it at bay, because that muscle just gobbles fat and calories right up. Cardio afterward is fine for heart health, but forget that running non-sense. Walk on an incline, without holding the bars next to you, and you’ll do a hell of a lot more in terms of burning fat/keeping it off. Plus, it’s much more pleasant.

Ladies, if you don’t want to make the gym your home 24/7, then don’t. And most importantly, don’t feel bad if that’s not you. I know you see these memes talking about going to war at the gym, and how we all think we’re awesome because we devote our selves to it, and blahblahblah, but that’s us, the gym rats. We understand it’s not for everyone else. And I tell you what, we certainly respect the hell out of anyone who at least tries. Even if you only come 2-3 times a week, we’re happy to see you there. Getting the blood moving. But you have to do it for yourself. You have to want it. And if you don’t, that’s fine. Maybe there will come a time when you do. Until then, don’t beat yourself up, and don’t feel bad because it isn’t your thing. I can tell you this though, the key to making it your thing is to go for a month. Just one month. But for that month, go with a fire in your belly. Get a kick ass plan, get your food in check, and bust your ass for that month. Because within those 30 days you’re going to see changes. Results. Both mentally & physically, and others will see it too, and they’ll mention it. You’ll start to become an inspiration to others. And once all this starts to happen, you’ll probably never want to turn back. But even if you, it’s cool, the gym and all the people who want to see you there will be waiting when you, if you, decide to return.

When I was 19 I was officially fat. So, I did what I could to lose it. Once I hit 190lb, I saw Ryan Reynolds in Blade: Trinity and decided I wanted abs like his. So, I started doing different diets, different this, different that, and after all was said and done, I got down to 172lb. That was it. Not to mention no one could tell I was working out, because I’d just become skinny-fat. It wasn’t until about 10 years later I started doing research and found out about bodytypes. Ectomorphs are the types who are very skinny & lanky, Endomorphs are like powerlifters/strongmen, in that they can put on muscle but fat will come with it, and it’s rare you’ll see them at 5% bodyfat. Finally, Mesomorphs are your classic bodybuilders. Small joints, broad shoulders, thin waists. Well, I’m definietly an Endomorph. I’m naturally a bigger guy, with my share of fat. I don’t try and shred down to 5% bodyfat, because I know that’s not what my body wants. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to keep it in check as best I can, as well as take advantage of putting on a ton of muscle.

And that’s what you ladies should do. Do some research, find out what your type is, and work with the advantages you have. Now, as far as eating junk food. Look, we all do it. Hell, I do it EVERYDAY. But I also workout for 90 minutes 6 days a week with incline walking cardio for 20-30 minutes 4-5 times a week as well. But what I’m saying is, so long as you exercise, you can have some bullshit food and be just fine, just don’t make a lifestyle out of it. Think about it this way, let’s say you ate like crap all the time, well, if you had a salad once a day, or hell, 80% of your daily diet was salad with the rest junk-food, would you lose weight? No. So when those factors are reversed, you won’t gain it, either.

When it comes to being fit, don’t let shows like The Biggest Loser lie to you. Cardio is crap for getting in shape. Weight training is where it’s at, and there’s nothing more bad-ass than seeing a girl in the gym who hits the weights. Building muscle is the absolute best way to burn fat, and keep it at bay, because that muscle just gobbles fat and calories right up. Cardio afterward is fine for heart health, but forget that running non-sense. Walk on an incline, without holding the bars next to you, and you’ll do a hell of a lot more in terms of burning fat/keeping it off. Plus, it’s much more pleasant.

Ladies, if you don’t want to make the gym your home 24/7, then don’t. And most importantly, don’t feel bad if that’s not you. I know you see these memes talking about going to war at the gym, and how we all think we’re awesome because we devote our selves to it, and blahblahblah, but that’s us, the gym rats. We understand it’s not for everyone else. And I tell you what, we certainly respect the hell out of anyone who at least tries. Even if you only come 2-3 times a week, we’re happy to see you there. Getting the blood moving. But you have to do it for yourself. You have to want it. And if you don’t, that’s fine. Maybe there will come a time when you do. Until then, don’t beat yourself up, and don’t feel bad because it isn’t your thing. I can tell you this though, the key to making it your thing is to go for a month. Just one month. But for that month, go with a fire in your belly. Get a kick ass plan, get your food in check, and bust your ass for that month. Because within those 30 days you’re going to see changes. Results. Both mentally & physically, and others will see it too, and they’ll mention it. You’ll start to become an inspiration to others. And once all this starts to happen, you’ll probably never want to turn back. But even if you, it’s cool, the gym and all the people who want to see you there will be waiting when you, if you, decide to return.

Alrighty, workout recap, let’s get it.

Continue reading Super Soldier Serum Workout – Day 9 – Plus, It’s OK To Not Make Fitness Your Life

Caliber’s Super Solider Serum Workout – Plus, Geek’s Fitness’ Ne

Greetings, all.

Before we get down to the business of getting down, just wanted to let you guys know about a new article series coming. Basically, it’s going to be a text version of the show Loveline. Myself, along with a female friend of mine who’s been a Registered Nurse for 15 years are going to answer any and all questions about life, fitness, relationships, sex, drugs, or anything else you guys may have questions about or want advice concerning. Let me know at

Alright, let’s hit the gym…

Continue reading Caliber’s Super Solider Serum Workout – Plus, Geek’s Fitness’ Ne